The story of Phrostvybe Company and Radio
Hello my name is Jerome Sinclair and this is my struggles starting my company from the ground up. Starting was idea or vision that could begin toward accomplishing a basic set dream that was a vision of assisting disc jockey's given then place where house music could have a place to call home. As being the newest artist to DJ International Records I felt is was possibility to show myself as a multitasking artist and executive I just didn't have a clue of creating.
As everything unfolded I had the opportunity to meet and greet musical production DJ and Producer Michael McKie AKA DJ Mike Magnificent McKie and he set ideas as of creating and teaching me the many tools of house music as a young team we over achieved production and not only follow each others ideas but open a tremendous business relationship that turned to be recognized as partners on tasks in developing more as a production team.
So sad two people had no ideas or organizational ideas of beginning a radio station or production company and we set and gathered information as the plans of a platform to begin. Myself having a business major and Mike having the talents of being a known disc jockey considering that we both have sole dealings with DJ International Records. We both had an idea of setting a different programming environment. In the entertainment industry most opportunities that disc jockeys have are never recognized or they follow behind a trend that really never get to a level of being noticed or even further more on different skills as of being a DJ. But pretty soon, I learned the truth; It's okay to mess up. To feel overwhelmed and beaten. Every entrepreneur, no matter how prepared, trips over unexpected hurdles. The successful ones learn to get back up as soon as possible.
Starving artist and disc jockeys and new business
owners have one thing in common: they have to be masters of improvisation. The ability to make bold decision with complete information and direction. So careful to study and asking a few successful people they told me building a marketing promotional company wasn't easy, and learning the background of how to create a business platform that can make disc jockeys and artist trust in a idea that's instrumental to a new company that can prepare opportunities for mixes in new music.
Having a business idea we came to recognize that creating territory in the industry by starting internet radio station under the provision guidance overseeing the business objectives. It was a dream come true with marketing advertising promotional material needs of gathering the information which was plenty of door closing of many people not believing in our vision.
If there is one common lesson to be learned from the diverse experiences of struggling successful business owners , it's that there will always be obstacles to overcome. No one goes from zero to hero without breaking a sweat or feeling that all hope is lost.
All these experiences pushed us to always stay under the grid but rise up to always have a different direction structure. Now Phrostvybe Co. are in fact growing in a tremendously way we've structured the station to have various aspects within the company such as Monday-Wednesday the Elite Select DJs playing different styles of House music and other generational from Rap, R&B, and Hip-Hop, Latin, free styles and Thursday night Independent Mix Music Hour, Friday and Saturday DJ International Radio Friday Night Street Mix and Saturday Night Live then Sunday. The grace of God Gospel show and a yearly event the Prom sendoff celebration along with other respectful venturing companies but also branching our division from Arizona to Chicago all these opportunities that has now gracefully blossom to become hard working disc jockey employees that for few may feel this job is simple and easy but trust easy is by far is not the case and also board directors that continue to make Phrostvybe radio continue to strive with great insights towards a place in the radio industry.
To everyone that follows us on all social media leave a comment.
CEO and Founder Jerome Sinclair and
COO Michael McKie
Phrostvybe family Sincerely thank you and bless you!!!